Monday 21 March 2011

Music Magazine Double Page Spread Production

Double Page Spread Production

This is the production stage of the double page spread. Here I am going to talk about how I have made it.

This is the first production stage of the double page spread. Here you can see that I have created a line down the centre of the page. This is so that it can be distinguished as a dividing line between the page. I have decided to include the mixture of the two grey colours to allow it to stand out off the page, and the white writing over the top of it, allows it to be even clearer. I think that this allows the audience to be aware of what the pages will include when they flick through them. When I asked my target audience what they thought, they thought that it was a good idea.  

This is the second production stage of the double page spread. Here you can see that I have started typing out the first paragraph to the article using a black font. It uses the same font that has been used throughout the magazine which shows that a house style is being created. This means that the readers will see a format that they recognise which will make them feel more comfortable when reading it.  

On this production stage it shows that I have changed the size of the font. I have decided to do this to the opening paragraph because when I have done my research, I had found that this effect was used on it. So because of this, I have used it in my magazine as it is a successful technique in allowing it to stand out.

On this production stage, I have started to write up the article. I am aware that the colour scheme that is used doesn't allow the audience to see the questions and the answers that will be used. But I am going to change it later on in the production stage.

Here I have included more of the article. I have also put in it a large passage of text. When I looked through my research I became aware that this technique has been used in a lot of magazines. So, when I consulted my target audience about including this in my article, they thought it would be a good idea. I have left the space at the top right corner of the page on the left because I am going to place an image on it.

On this production stage, you can see the article is starting to take shape. I think that it is starting to look quite good. The reason why the column of the text is halfway down the page is because there is going to be an image placed above it.


This production stage shows the end of the article. Here you can see that it takes up the vast majority of the page, which is generally what happens. I have decided to use another large passage of text to help break the text up slightly. I think that this helps make the article look more real.

On this production stage I have included the images which shows the near completion of the magazine. All of the content that it is going to be in the magazine is placed on this page. I am contemplating moving some of the text around to see what it looks like.

Here I have changed the colours of the text. This brightens the page up massively which definitely improves the overall quality of it. I have used the grey for the first paragraph because I have taken it from the colour of the coat the man is wearing. It also works well with the grey colours that are used in the colour of the page. I think that this link is a good one to use because it makes it look better. I have used the same colours from the contents page and the front cover because it allows a house style to be created.

On this production page I have tried to see what the page would look like if it was to have the background that is used on the contents and cover on it. I don't think that it should be used on this page, because although it is creating a house style, I don't think that you can see the colours of the text that well on it.

This is what the final double page spread looks like. I have included the lines going through it because they have been done on the contents page. As you saw before, when I tried to include the grey and white background, it didn't look as good as it does now. I think that this looks quite professional and I think  that it fits its purpose of informing the reader.

This was something that I tried when I had finished with all of the production stages. I was curious to know whether my target audience thought that it looked better the way it was before, or with the light grey coming from the grey that is used in the top left corner. When I asked their opinion, we both agreed that it look better the way it was beforehand.

This is the final stage of the production stage. Here I have taken into consideration what my target audience have highlighted and made some additions to comply with this. I have added across the bottom of the page the page numbers that I didn't include. I was against including them in but now that they have been inserted, I think that it looks quite good. I have also included the website for the magazine and the name of the magazine. The name of the magazine has been written in the same style as the name on the front cover. I think that this is good because it allows the audience make a link from the cover and the DPS. It also acts as a gentle reminder to the audience that this DPS is part of the magazine. I have also change the size of the Kanye that is positioned in the top left corner. I think that it looks like it is more like a headline to the DPS compared to what it did previously.

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