Monday 21 March 2011

Music magazine double-page article audience feedback

Target Audience Feedback

Here I am going to see what my target audience think about my Double Page Spread.

Oliver Warden
Firstly, I think that the colour scheme shows that the writing will be noticed by both sexes and the pink and blue writing both serve different purposes. I think that the large font passages of text draw attention well to a main apart of the story.  
However, You haven't outlined what the article actually is. In the image you can see the photographer again which isn't very good. The grey effect is quite distracting to the reader because the writing doesn't stand out as much and it plays with your eyes.

Dean Ramsay
With regard to the positives, the colour scheme has been carried throughout the magazine. I do like the grey lines that come from the top corners of the page because it makes it look professional.
But on the other hand, You have used the same image on the front cover in the double page spread. I think this is a bad thing to do. You haven't shown whether it is an interview. It isn't very obvious.

David Brogden
Firstly I am going to start with the negatives. I have noticed that there is no real heading on the page so you don't know what the section is really about unless you are familiar with who the artist is.
On the contrary, the pictures have been edited well from having all of the backgrounds taken out. The colour scheme is quite basic so it means that it can be easily seen on the page as it is readable. The images that are used are centred and means that it is clear to see that both pages are to do with the same artist.

Helen Martin
I like the colour scheme, I like the contrast between the blues and pinks and the back writing at the top, I think by having such a harsh colour with the softer ones it makes it stand out more.  I like the way the writing is easy to read, I also think the background makes the page more sophisticated and adds a bit of edge to the page.
However, although I like the pinks and blue colours used, I think they area  bit too feminine as they are softer colours, I'm worried they will attract more of a female audience rather than having a good balance as male readers might not want to read the article.
I also don't like the fact that there is no heading, its hard for the reader to understand what this page is about, until they read it.

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