Monday 14 March 2011

Music magazine contents page production

Contents Page Production

This is the production process that I went through when I was creating my contents page.

This is the start of the production for my contents page. I have decided to use the same colours that were used on the front cover cover lines for each headline on this page. This is because I think that it allows a house style to emerge in the magazine. This was also highlighted in the research that I did with my target audience. I have also decided to make the colours of the numbers on the page black as they stand out against the background which allows it to be seen clearly.

I have decided to include the top twenty songs in the music chart because I think that it is quite a unique feature to include. I think that this is starting to take some shape which I think looks good. I have decided to move the heads lines that are on the right hand side of the page upwards because I think that it adds a bit of character to the page instead of it being regimental. It also means that I have options on the page to include images.

I have decided to get rid of the name of the magazine at the top of the page. This is because I think that the name of the magazine isn't needed on the inside page if front cover as it wastes space that could be used. When I consulted my target audience about this, they agreed with what I was saying. I also have used the same effect on the writing that I used on the front cover. This I feel, adds to the creation of a house style.

Here I have included the images that I want to have on the page. I have decided to have different orientations for the images because I think that it improves the layout of the page. I asked members of my target audience if the preferred different orientations or similar and they stated that they thought different, was the correct way to go. I have also put the numbers of the page that the images are linked to over the top of the image. This is because it allows space to be saved, and allows them to stand out against them. This is down to the fact that the white contrasts with the colours on the image.

Here I have inserted the background of the contents page. The same colours have been used on this page that were included in on the cover. This allows the creation of the house style to be complete as all of the colours used on the cover have been incorporated on this page.

The white lines I have been included to add something to the page. I think that it makes the page look more professional because it seems to be broken up more and helps everything on the page to seem lifted on it, as it adds another level to it. 

Here I have changed what goes down the left hand side of the page. When I asked my target audience about the previous image, they stated that they thought that the text was too small. So I decided that it would be an idea to scrap the idea of 20 and put 10. I then increased the size of the font by 1 to see if that was clearer. I then re- my target audience and they thought that it was clearer. However, there was a large gap underneath so I decided to fill it with the Album top 10. I think that this looked a lot clearer on the page than it originally did so these changes were worthwhile.

On this production stage I decided to change the layout slightly. I thought that by splitting up the stories into categories would be make it look more presentable. I put the names of the sections in black so that it would stand out, and I also used the double lines to help break the page up. I then moved the stories into the corresponding sections.  

This is the final stage in the production stage so this means that this is my actual contents page. Here I have done a few more changes to the page. I thought that the page needed to be changed because it looked pretty much the same as it already did. I decided to rearrange the page so that the singles chart was across the bottom of the page. I thought that this would make it original and I think that it looks good. I also made sure that the images were slightly larger than they were before as I thought that they didn't really do anything for the page. So with this I decided that the numbers on top of the images needed to be increased as well. I then rearranged the page the stories so that they covered the centre of the page. I added a new story into it to fill in a gap and I think that it looks quite good.

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