Thursday 10 March 2011

Music Magazine Double Page Article Planning

Draft of Double Page Spread

This is my draft creation of my double page spread. I am going to comment on what I like about the 4 creations I have made and what I don't like about them. 

The first image that I am going to comment on is the one on the top left of the page. I have decided to place the title of page spread at the top of the page in the top left. This is because I think that it will give the audience an idea of who the story is going to be based on.
I have decided to place the images on the page in the centre. This is because from the research that I did, there was a large amount of people who said that they would want to see the images in the centre of the page. Coupled with this, is the fact that I think it would stand out more if it was surrounded by text to the sides and across the bottom.
The columns that I have used I think are good because it makes it look like a proper magazine, as they are used in a magazine. I think that it helps make the image stand out as it acts like a border to it.
However, a criticism of the draft is that looks quite boring in comparison to the others. This is because it has only the basic features on it, such as the column of texts and images, whereas the others have bold features and passages about the text. But an alternative view of this is that although it is boring, it makes the information on the page stand out more. I do actually like this one but it isn't my favourite of them all. The layout of the page is quite good as everything on the page will appear clear and concise, and will allow it to be easy to read.

The image on the right hand side of the page is of an alternative design to the one on the left. The layout of the page is slightly different to the page on the left, but I don't think it is as good as it. I don't like the way that the images go across the top of the page as I think that it doesn't look as good as being placed down the side. Also, the images would need to go across the page horizontally for the image not to distort.
The columns of text that have been placed on the page jack up the vast majority of the pages. This has been done so that there can be as much shown from the article as possible which would make the best use of the space. I have positioned them underneath the images so that it makes it look like they resemble the images. I have chosen to use columns because I think that it looks quite good, and helps break the text up a bit. Also, it makes it look like a real magazine spread, as columns are used there.
I have chosen to include the bold piece of text that comes from the article for two reasons. The first reason is that from my research that I did, I found that quite a lot of magazines had portions of text from the interview or story, included. The second reason is that from the questionnaire that I did, nearly all of the people questioned said that they would prefer to see it. So I have decided to include this feature. I have decided to place this on the left on the column which is furthest right. This is because I think that it looks quite good being on the inside of the page as opposed to the outside.
Overall, I don't really like this one. This is because I think that the other ones look better than it. I don't like the fact that the images are at the top of the pages, which I think is a big factor in it not looking as good.

The image on the bottom left is another alternative draft I could make my double page spread from. I have decided to include a title on this page because I think that it will make the audience aware of who is being featured on the page. I think that this is a good feature to include as well.
I have decided to include a passage of text underneath the title. I have chosen this because I think that it would help introduce those who are being interviewed. I quite like including this as a feature because it is used in some magazines, and I think it does its purpose effectively. However, I don't like the fact that it goes past the title and goes into the column of text that is next to it. I don't think this looks very good because it would be quite off putting by having two types of text mixed together, which people would also probably find difficult to read.
The inclusion of the column of texts that goes down the right of the left page and the right side of the right page, looks good with the column underneath the image. I decided to put this here because I thought that it would look continuous when people were looking at it. I also think that it looks like a real article in a magazine when you look at it.
The images have been positioned underneath the passage of text. I chose to place this here to give a small break on the page from the text above it. I have placed the image above the column of text to help break up the page. I think that the use of this is good because I think that helps improve the overall look of the spread. Also, I think that this complies with what my target audience wanted, as they said that they wanted the image to stand out, and by being surrounded by a lot of text, it surely does this.
Overall, I think that this draft is quite good. I like the overall layout of it and I think that there is a good mix of images and text. However, I don't like the way that the passage of text goes over he column of text. I think this makes it more difficult to see.

The final draft that I have created which could be my double page spread is in the bottom right corner. This has a title on it in the top left corner of the page. I think that this looks quite good because it allows the name of the people who are going to be included into the article to be visible clearly and stands out of the page more. 
I have included the passage of text underneath the title. I have chosen this because I think that it would help introduce those who are being interviewed. I quite like including this as a feature because it is used in some magazines, and I think it does its purpose effectively. I like the way that it falls directly underneath the title which will help it look more professional and improve the overall layout and overall quality of the magazine.
The bold piece of text that is used on the page will be taken from the actual article. I have decided to do this because I think that it would increase the overall presentation of the magazine. Also, the fact that the target audience have stated that they would like to see pieces of the article written in bold, has helped me include this. I think that this makes it look even better and look even more like a real article. 
The images that I have used have been placed down the centre of the page. I think that this makes it look better being placed down the middle of the page as it allows them to take centre stage on the pages. Also, with the fact that it is surrounded by everything on the page, it allows them to stand out even greater.
The columns that have been used go along the sides of the pages and across the bottom of them too. As was stated before, they allow the images to jump off the page. 
Overall this is the best of the drafts that I created. I really like the use of the passage of text, the use of the bold portions of text and the overall layout of it. I have decided that I am going to make this double page spread.  


Double Page Spread Mock Up

This is the style that I am going to follow when I make my double page spread. I think that this allows everything to be well laid out and it gives everything a clear structure and place. It means that all of the sections will stand out of the page and be clear to see which is a must have in an article. I think that this format makes it look like a real magazine.

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