Monday 21 March 2011

Music magazine contents page audience feedback

Target Audience Feedback

Oliver Warden
Firstly I am going to start with the positives. The alternation between the colours that is used in the column helps attract the audiences eyes because it is attractive and helps it stand out. The numbers being a different colour also contrasts off the page and helps it stand out which helps the audience take in the relevant information. The effect that is used on the top and bottom of the page adds a unique feature and creates a sense of style to the page.

However with regard to the negatives, the images have background in them and are square images. This doesn't look very attractive on the page and makes it look unprofessional. The pink shadow on the words contents looks a bit out of place on the page, if you had used black, it would have matched with the other shadow effect used on the text and made it look better.

Rachel Turnbull
The positive points on the contents page are that the colour scheme that was used on the front cover runs through this page which is a good feature to the page. The photos look a lot more professional and are placed well over the page. The texts more spread out and makes it look a bit more eye catching and doesn't put the reader off looking at it.

However, I don't like the the first column because it is quite bunched and hard to read. The text is very busy and in your face.

Dean Ramsay
Firstly, I think that the colour scheme is good because it carries on from the front cover to the contents page. The images also look quite professional. I find the
overall design of it looks appealing to the eye.
However, I think that the column down the left hand side of the page is a bit to small. I think that if it was bigger it would be better.

Victoria Carruthers
I think that the use of the colours blue and pink suggest that it appeals to both sexes of the target audience which I think is quite a good technique to use.
However, I have noticed that the numbers on the page aren't in chronological, which I think it should be in. The font that is used, looks quite immature.

Jai Chahal
I really like the background of the page, I think that it fits in with the style of the magazine. I also like how there are three pictures which are from the main headlines.
On the other hand, there is quite a lot of writing on the page which hurts my eyes slightly when I look at it. I think that there is too much pink and blue used on the page. I think an alternative colour should have been used.

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