Monday 14 March 2011

Music magazine cover production

Cover Production

Here I am going to go through the process of how I created the cover.

This is the start of the front cover production. Here you can see that I have created the title and the cover lines that I want to include on the page. I have decided to have the name of the mast head as the largest thing on the page because I think that it shoudl stand out the most. The colours of the title and the cover lines match with what my target audience wanted. I have tried to put the top and bottom cover lines as grey because I want to see what it looks like.

This is the second production stage that I have got up to. I have decided to change the colour of the blue to a more lighter blue. I have decided to do this because I thought that it looked too blue and I think that when you look at this colour, it complements the pink more. I also asked members of my target audience what they thought and they agreed with me that this blue looked better on the page. I also consulted my target audience about the top and bottom cover lines. We both agreed that it would look better if the incoporated the colour scheme that I have decided to use instead of using a grey colour. I think makes it look better. 

In this production stage, I have placed a backdrop on all of the text that is on the page. This was done by copying the text and placing it slightly hanging over the bak of it. This has made it stand out of the page more allowing to be easily read.

This is the background that I have put on the page. I think that this allows the text to stand out more on the page because the grey colour isn't too overpowering or too soft. This coupled, with the change of the text on the previous production stage, allow it to stand out.

On this production stage I have added into the image. I have decided to have the image as the largest thing on the page, because after my target audience research, they stated they wanted to have the iamge as the largest thing on the page. It takes up the entire page and goes slightly over the name of the magazine which I think is a good technique to use as it adds to it another level.

This is final production stage of making the magazine, leaving only the finished product. Here you can see that I have inserted the image and placed it over the sell line and the mast head. When I did my research, I realised that some of the magazines have the main image going over them, so I thought it would look good if I replicated this. I also placed a cover line to the right of the image in a larger font. This has helped show off  the image and large cover line as it has something to do with the main article.

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