Friday 11 March 2011

Music Magazine Contents Page Photo Shoot

Contents Photo Shoot

This image I chose to put onto my contents page. This was because the student who I chose to take the picture of, looked similar to the music artist that I was trying to replicate. I took one image of this student and decided that this would be the one that I wanted to include. The way that he looks directly into the camera shows off a lot of power, as no matter where you look around the screen, it will always look as if he is
looking at you.  

This was the first image that I took for a female music artist. I thought that it looked to dark to go on the page as I thought that it wouldn't stand out as much on the page if it was darker than usual.  

This image this the same as the one before. I liked the image before and decided to put this into my contents page. I went onto fireworks and made the image brighter which has helped it look like a real photo. However, when I thought about it more, I realised that she didn't show any of the characteristics that I was trying to look for. I thought that the pout that she was trying to do, didn't look very good as I was hoping.  

This is the image that I decided to place on the page instead of the one beforehand. I thought that this looked more like the photo that I was after. This was because I thought that with her hands one her hair making it seem bigger made her stand out more on the photo and she takes up the most of it, and the fact that he eyes are fixated on the screen also intensifies this.

This was the first image that I took for the contents page. This man was trying to represent Eminem and I thought that by having his hoody on with the hood up, and a beanie hat on, I thought this showed a good representation of him, as he does where this kind of outfit. However, when I took this image, I thought that he looked too small on the screen, which I think makes him look weak.

This is a similar image to the above one. I have decided to do this again because I thought the outfit that he wore is the same that the style of Eminem. I liked the way that the photo has him placed centrally with him taken up more of the room, which makes him look more powerful.

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