Thursday 10 March 2011

Music Magazine Contents Page Planning

Draft of Contents page

This image is a draft of what my contents page will look like. This is quite a basic sketch of 4 styles that I could use. I am going to choose one of them and make it into my actual page. I am going to point out what I like and what I don't like on each one and see which one I clearly like more.

The image on the top left hand side of the page is the first draft I am going to analyse. The way that the title is positioned has been done so that it can be seen on the whole page as it positioned centrally across the page. 
The background I will make have a colour which allows it the text on the page to stand out. This needs to be done so that text can be easily read.
The columns that will be used on the page have been chosen because of the fact that this makes it look more like a magazine. By keeping it all in order and quite regimental, makes it look more professional and presentable.  
The images that have been done on the page have been placed underneath the some of the columns. This has been done so that the make the page look well laid out as if they were put on the side of the page, it would make it look more shabby. They will be the same width as the columns because as stated before, this will make it look less well laid out. The images will have the number of the page written on them in the bottom corner. This has been done because it allows there to be a theme running through it. I also think that it looks much better being inside the image rather than outside of it. 
The subject headings have been placed above the columns of text. This has been done because I want it to be clear to the readers where everything is. So for example, if they were looking for something on clothing, they would look up the subject Fashion.   
However I don't like the fact that there is so much space on the page. I think that the fact that this space could be used to put a larger image in or more stories.

The image on the top right of the page is an alternative design of the contents page. I have split the page into two pages. I have decided to do this because I think that having it on two pages allows there to be more information placed on it. On it, I have placed two titles on the pages. This has been done so that there is a sense of continuity developing over the pages which allows the readers to feel more relaxed when looking at the page as they aren't introduced to anything knew. I have chosen to position the titles of the pages in the centre as I think it makes it look clearer.
I have decided to place two images on both pages because it makes it audience see continuity between the pages. The reason that they have been placed on different positions on the page is so that whilst there is continuity on the page, they are still different to each other. The images will have numbers placed inside of them because I think that it looks better than them being outside of them. I will make sure that the colour of the text will allow it to stand out so that it is clear to see on the image, or otherwise it would be pointless to have it inside.
I have decided that the cover story should be separate from the other stories that will feature in the magazine. This is because it makes it look individual and stands out whilst it improves the overall presentation. I have included a little portion of text about the cover story so that it gives a brief description to the audience about the story. I have placed the page number half in and half out of the text so that there is a difference in colour between the two colours.
I have put all of the other stories in the magazine on the other page. This has been so that the main story is shown to be the clearest thing on the page, and the rest of the stories are of less importance than the main cover story. They will all be positioned directly underneath each other so that it makes the layout look better. I have decided to place the numbers on the right of the text. This is because I think that it looks more like a real magazine if it is on the right than if it was on the look. I also think that if it was placed on the left of the text, it wouldn't look as good overall.
I think that the fact that there is quite a lot on both pages is quite off putting. I think that this would look better if there was more space by getting rid of one or two of the stories that are on show.

The image on the bottom left of the page, is another draft of the contents page. It has the title placed across the whole of the top page. Although it is quite compact, I think that it is the best out of the ones that I have created. The title has been placed across the top of the page which makes it look like it is the clearest thing on the page, and with it stretched across the whole page, this further enforces this.
The images placed across the top of the page have been done so that the two images can be seen clearly. This has been done so that the images can be seen clearly without being crowded out of the page. It also helps show off what is still to come in the magazine without there being text to describe it. All three of the images will have the number of the page at the bottom of the page written in a colour which helps it stand out. The final image has been placed on the bottom right of the page. This has been done to help break up the the text that is on the page.
There is a border that has been used down the sides of the page. I have chosen to do this because I think that it will bring the page together, and it will allow the information that is inside the border to stand out more.
The stories that are on the page have been positioned down the left hand side and the right hand side. This has been done to make it into columns which is the stereotypical style that is used on magazines. This helps with the layout of the page as it makes everything more easier to see. All of the stories have the page numbers next to it. This has been done because it makes it clear to the audience where the stories in the magazine are. The cover story has been placed at the top of the list because it is the main story that is going to sell the magazine. So by making this first, it allows there to be a link between the most prominent thing on the front cover and the first thing that they see on the contents page.

The draft on the bottom right hand side of the page is the final alternative to my contents page that I have created. I have tried to use a continuing style on the page, with the titles coming off from the border and acting like a flag. This has been done so that they stand out of the page as they are something different in comparison to the rest of the page.
The cover story remains separate to the rest of the stories and has been written so that it fits into the same style as the titles. Although it follows the same format, the direction that it comes out of the border is different to the titles. This has been done so that whilst following the format, it remains different to it.
The idea for a pattern has been used so that it can allow the tabs to come out of them. These will all be of the same colour so that it there is a colour scheme being created. 
I have chosen to have the images placed at the bottom of the page because I think that it was a choice between the images or the text being placed in the centre of the page. I think that the images being placed along the bottom allows all of the important information to appear in the centre which is the most eye catching part of the page. The images will have the page numbers inside of them so that the audience can make a quick reference to them. They will be written in a colour which is easy to see on the image, or otherwise this would be pointless to incorporate.
Finally, the stories that are on the page have been placed underneath the main story because they are of a lesser importance. They have been written directly underneath each other so that they look like one large column which is normally used in a magazine. Therefore I think it would be a good idea to use it so that it follows the normal style of a contents page. The numbers for the page have been written on the right hand side of the page. Think that these look better placed there than on the left hand side. 
However on a negative note, the page does look quite basic and simplistic which isn't very good. I think that if it was more unique and had a good style included into it, it would look much better.


Mock of Contents Page

This is my mock up of the contents page. This will what my contents will look like if I was to follow the template that I created. The only difference would be the images because I would have to take these by myself. However, I am not sure whether I like the look of it. This is because I think that it doesn't look like a real one the way that it looks like there. I don't think that the borders look very good because I think that they make it look cheap. I do like the positioning of the images because I think that it makes it look quite professional as they are clear to see on the page. I do like the colour scheme that is used because I think that it allows a continuation of the colour scheme from the cover to the contents page, which allows the audience to see a link from. I am not sure that the name of the magazine and the contents page should be placed there on the page. I am going to consider getting rid of this and seeing which one looks better. 

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